32 research outputs found

    Aerobic Exercise Does Not Predict Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor And Cortisol Alterations in Depressed Patients

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    The pathophysiology of depression is related to neurobiological changes that occur in the monoamine system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neurogenesis system and the neuroimmune system. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the research of the effects of exercise on brain function, with a special focus on its effects on brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), cortisol and other biomarkers. Thus, the aim of this study is to present a review investigating the acute and chronic effects of aerobic exercise on BDNF and cortisol levels in individuals with depression. It was not possible to establish an interaction between aerobic exercise and concentration of BDNF and cortisol, which may actually be the result of the divergence of methods, such as type of exercises, duration of the sessions, and prescribed intensity and frequency of sessions

    Comparison Among Aerobic Exercise and Other Types of Interventions to Treat Depression: A Systematic Review

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    Depression is a common and disabling disease that affects over 100 million people worldwide and can have a significant impact on physical and mental health, reducing their quality of life. Thus, the aim of this article was to provide information on research results and key chains related to the therapeutic effects of chronic aerobic exercise compared with other types of interventions to treat depression, which may become a useful clinical application in a near future. Researches have shown the effectiveness of alternative treatments, such as physical exercise, minimizing high financial costs and minimizing side effects. In this review, the data analyzed allows us to claim that alternative therapies, such as exercise, are effective on controlling and reducing symptoms. 69.3% of the studies that investigated the antidepressant effects of exercise on depressive were significant, and the other 30.7% of the studies improved only in general physiological aspects, such as increased oxygen uptake, increased use of blood glucose and decreased body fat percentage, with no improvement on symptoms of depression. From the sample analyzed, 71.4% was composed of women, and regarding the severity of symptoms, 85% had mild to moderate depression and only 15% had moderate to severe depression. However, there is still disagreement regarding the effect of exercise compared to the use of antidepressants in symptomatology and cognitive function in depression, this suggests that there is no consensus on the correct intensity of aerobic exercise as to achieve the best dose-response, with intensities high to moderate or moderate to mild

    Mecanismos de Ação dos Herbicidas

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    «Mecanismo de ação de um herbicida refere-se ao local primário onde atua um herbicida [...] Modo de ação é a sequência de eventos, a partir do efeito inicial do herbicida, que leva a planta daninha à morte».«Os autores brasileiros manifestam seu reconhecimento à CAPES e ao CNPQ»

    Effects of exercise on physical and mental health, and cognitive and brain functions in schizophrenia: clinical and experimental evidence

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    Exercise promotes several health benefits, such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory improvements. It is believed that the practice of exercise in individuals with psychiatric disorders, e.g. schizophrenia, can cause significant changes. Schizophrenic patients have problematic lifestyle habits compared with general population; this may cause a high mortality rate, mainly caused by cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate changes in physical and mental health, cognitive and brain functioning due to the practice of exercise in patients with schizophrenia. Although still little is known about the benefits of exercise on mental health, cognitive and brain functioning of schizophrenic patients, exercise training has been shown to be a beneficial intervention in the control and reduction of disease severity. Type of training, form of execution, duration and intensity need to be better studied as the effects on physical and mental health, cognition and brain activity depend exclusively of interconnected factors, such as the combination of exercise and medication. However, one should understand that exercise is not only an effective nondrug alternative, but also acts as a supporting linking up interventions to promote improvements in process performance optimization. In general, the positive effects on mental health, cognition and brain activity as a result of an exercise program are quite evident. Few studies have been published correlating effects of exercise in patients with schizophrenia, but there is increasing evidence that positive and negative symptoms can be improved. Therefore, it is important that further studies be undertaken to expand the knowledge of physical exercise on mental health in people with schizophrenia, as well as its dose-response and the most effective type of exercise

    Fontes textuais e vida material: observações preliminares sobre casas de moradia nos Campos dos Goitacases, sécs. XVIII e XIX

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    A autora explora uma rica coleção de inventários dos séculos XVIII e XIX, referentes a habitantes dos Campos de Goitacazes (no atual Norte Fluminense, RJ). São propostas inferências sobre vários tópicos: atributos morfológicos e tecnológicos das estruturas, padrões de atividades (em particular as f:!rodutivas), arranjos espaciais, sistemas de artefatos, relações com a organização familiar, a condição servil, sistemas de valor, etc. Também se registram as mudanças observadas

    Discurso econômico e política colonial no império Luso-Brasileiro (1750-1808)

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    O artigo reflete sobre a ação política do marquês de Pombal e de Dom Rodrigo de Souza Coutinho, comparando o conjunto de suas orientações no campo econômico e colocando em perspectiva a questão geral do reformismo ilustrado no mundo ibérico. A ambição geral é a discussão de diferentes percursos no plano da história das ideias no século XVIII, mapeando o quadro de influências ao discurso econômico e político dedicado à concepção e execução das reformas, com destaque para a preocupação com o papel das colônias (o Brasil, essencialmente) na dinâmica econômica portuguesa ao longo da segunda metade do século XVIII

    Os limites das capitanias hereditárias do sul e o conceito de território

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    Analisam-se os limites das capitanias do sul (1534-1700), chegando a interessantes conclusões. As terras da Capitania de Santana, em função da estimativa que se faça para a longitude de Tordesilhas, ou pertenciam à Espanha ou formavam pequenas parcelas descontínuas. O limite norte da Capitania de São Tomé (Pero de Góis), definido por acordo entre os dois confrontantes, afetava um terceiro território, coisa que não se percebeu. O limite sul dessa capitania na carta de doação indicava uma linha correndo diretamente para oeste, enquanto que na de seu vizinho (Martim Afonso) indicava uma linha correndo a noroeste. Essa mesma direção também está definida para o limite sul desse lote, complicando a partição das terras. Essas fronteiras artificiais nunca foram demarcadas nem tidas em conta, e tanto os donatários como a Coroa foram criando vilas e cidades em terreno alheio: umas vezes por não levar em conta os limites das cartas de doação (São Paulo, Santana de Parnaíba, Mogi das Cruzes, São Sebastião, Taubaté, Paranaguá, por exemplo); outras por ocupação indevida, mas necessária (Rio de Janeiro); por dolo ou extrapolação de poderes (Cabo Frio); ou mesmo em terras de Castela (Curitiba). A isso veio somar-se a questão de jurisdição sobre a Capitania de Santo Amaro (a querela entre as casas de Monsanto e Vimieiro); a questão da extrapolação de jurisdição (Angra dos Reis e Paraty); e finalmente a má-fé e as tropelias de juízes, capitães-gerais e da Coroa. O entendimento dessas questões, facilitada pela cartografia histórica, permitiu revelar pontos desconhecidos da história das capitanias, explicar melhor a formação dos limites dos atuais Estados e aprofundar-se no entendimento dos conceitos da época para indicar o território: termo, sertões, fundos e outros.We analyze the limits of the southern Captaincies (1534-1700), reaching interesting conclusions. The Terras de Santana Captaincy, depending on the estimate of the longitude of the Tordesillas line, or belonged to Spain or are formed by small discrete portions. The northern limit of the Captaincy of São Tomé (Pero de Gois) defined by agreement between the two neighbors affected a third territory, something that was not perceived. The southern boundary of this Captaincy in the Donation Letter indicated a line running directly to the west, while in his neighbor Letter (Martim Afonso) indicated a line running northwest. This same direction is also set to the southern limit of that lot, complicating the partition of the lands. These artificial boundaries have never been demarcated or taken into account, and both the donatories, as the crown, were creating towns and cities in foreign land: sometimes for not taking into account the limits of the Donation Letters (São Paulo, Santana de Parnaiba, Mogi das Cruzes, São Sebastião, Taubaté, Paranaguá, for example); others by improper occupation, even when necessary (Rio de Janeiro); intentionally or extrapolation of powers (Cabo Frio); or even in the land of Castile (Curitiba). To this has added up the question of jurisdiction over the Captaincy of Santo Amaro (the quarrel between the houses of Monsanto and Vimieiro); the question of extrapolation jurisdiction (Angra dos Reis and Paraty) and finally the bad faith and mischief of judges, general captains and the crown. The understanding of these issues, facilitated by historical cartography, allows us to understand unknown point of the history of the captaincies; a better explain of the formation of the limits of current States and a deeper the understanding of the concepts of that time to indicate the territory: termo, sertão (hinterlands), fundos (funds) and others

    Passa-se uma engenhoca: ou como se faziam transações com terras, engenhos e crédito em mercados locais e imperfeitos (freguesia de Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, séculos XVIII e XIX)

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    Patrimônio e desenvolvimento: as políticas de patrimônio cultural nos anos 1960

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    This article aims at analyzing aspects of 1960s Brazilian cultural heritage policies, highlighting changes related to the articulation of concepts such as development, culture and heritage within the Directory of National Historical and Artistic Heritage - DPHAN, today Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN). It discusses the effects of industrialization, urban growth and development improvement measures on heritage concepts and policies, analyzing initiatives that focus on preserving cultural assets acknowledged as national historical and artistic heritage and enhancing their economical potential. The discussion emphasizes notions and understandings on heritage and preservation that had substantial bearing on preservation measures carried on by DPHAN from the 1960s on regarding the identification, valorization and protection of cultural heritage, as well as the disciplinary and institutional debates this Directory proposed.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar especificidades dos anos 1960 no que diz respeito às políticas de patrimônio, destacando algumas mudanças de entendimentos, noções e propostas, notadamente referentes às relações entre desenvolvimento, cultura e patrimônio trabalhadas pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional, então Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (DPHAN). Para tanto, vai-se partir das discussões e debates desse momento acerca dos efeitos da industrialização, do crescimento urbano e das políticas desenvolvimentistas sobre as políticas de patrimônio a partir dessa década, analisando as iniciativas voltadas à patrimonialização de bens culturais, à preservação do acervo que compunha o patrimônio histórico e artístico nacional e ao fomento de suas potencialidades econômicas. Na discussão proposta neste artigo, priorizar-se-ão os entendimentos e ações de preservação da DPHAN relacionados a identificação, valoração e proteção dos bens culturais, assim como os diálogos disciplinares e institucionais que a diretoria procurou estabelecer